Ponds Bright Beauty Serum Day Cream is one of the most important facial beauty products for skin care.

The purpose of using this product is to make facial skin more optimally cared for. Using a moisturizer also makes facial skin less rough.

Ponds is a brand that has existed in Indonesia for a long time. In fact, not a few Indonesian women use this brand to help treat facial skin so that it is beautiful.

In the packaging section, this product will be wrapped in thick cardboard. The card you can also get various information about the product itself.

Some of this information can be in the form of composition and how to store it. Then for the main packaging of this bright serum product, it is made of plastic with a dominant pink hue so it is very easy to recognize.

Ponds Bright Beauty Serum Day Cream Brightens Facial Skin Maximum

Ingredients in Ponds Bright Beauty Serum Day Cream

This beauty product from Ponds consists of 10 x vitamin C. So it can moisturize facial skin evenly. Not only that, but this bright beauty serum Day Cream from Ponds also contains vitamin B3 Plus.

This content can reduce deficiencies and can make pores smaller. Not only that, but there is also UV A and UV B content which are substitutes for sunscreen.

The content of UV A and UV B can protect the skin from excessive exposure to sunlight. As for the texture of this phone, it absorbs perfectly into the skin.

Then for the color, it has a white hue with thick thickness. How to use this product is also quite easy. Even you can use it easily even if it’s the first time you try it.

To get better and perfect results, before using this Ponds Bright Beauty Serum Day Cream, make sure you have washed your face using Facial Wash.

The use of facial wash must also be considered so that the combination of the two products will be useful for brightening the skin.

Ponds itself also has facial wash products that are in great demand. When your face looks clean, you can apply this Bright Beauty Serum Day Cream product evenly to your face and neck.

Best Time To Use

The best time to use this Ponds Bright Beauty Serum is in the morning. But you are also recommended to use this serum at night.

Actually what advantages does this product have? Not only can it brighten facial skin but can also disguise dark spots.

Just like the previous explanation which said that Ponds bright beauty can reduce imperfections on the face and make pores smaller

The packaging is small so it’s easy to carry anywhere. Regarding the price, it is definitely very affordable. Apart from being superior because it has many benefits, this product is also superior because it is cheap.

So, that you can use this product as an effort to treat facial skin, it can be found in offline or online stores. The price for Ponds Bright Beauty Serum Day Cream is only IDR 20,000.